Episode 1

Published on:

3rd Sep 2020

The Battle Within Every Man

Simon Carrington of Fire Up Ministries shares vulnerably and courageously from personal experience about the battle every man must fight in order to achieve sexual purity. 

In this episode you will not only learn from Simon and Chris' experiences in striving for purity, but you'll pick up heaps of practical tips along the way, chief among them to find an accountability partner. 

If you're interested in taking one of Fire Up's courses for young adults on the Theology of the Body, or in requesting coaching on your battle against pornography and masturbation from Simon, head over to www.fireupministries.com 

Listen for free

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About the Podcast

A podcast on masculine virtue and spirituality for men who are Catholic or interested in the Catholic Faith. Brought to you by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney’s Life, Marriage & Family Team.
Men, we all desire greatness in our lives. We all want to leave a legacy we can be proud of behind us, and there is no greater greatness than magnanimity – greatness of soul.
The Maximus podcast features inspiring new guests each week that are guaranteed to challenge and encourage you on your journey to greatness in all facets of your life: spiritual, mental, and physical.
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, and if you live around Sydney subscribe to our fortnightly e-news at sydneycatholic.org/maximus